Step 12

Celebrities of the Revolution
and the Empire

Ancienne porte du château

Claude-Pierre PAJOL (1772-1844) from a family from Nozeroy, very early on enlisted in the armies of the Revolution; he took part in numerous military campaigns. Count and Pair of the empire, he was retired in 1816. He became governor of Paris in 1830. By his energetic action, he prevented the return of the Bourbons to the throne of France during the Revolution of 1830. His son achieved this mausoleum at the apse of the church. The city has many books in its library and especially plans of its battles.

Ancienne porte du château

Jean-Nicolas DEMEUNIER (1751-1814) studied in Besançon and left for Paris at the age of 20. Man of letters, ethnologist, pioneer of social anthropology in France and politician, he was elected deputy of the Third Estate of Paris. He is at the origin of the 1st Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Napoleon made him Count of the Empire and Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor. He is buried in the Pantheon.

Ancienne porte du château

Joseph Angélique Sébastien REGNAULT (1776-1827) Son of a lawyer, polytechnician, took part in Bonaparte’s Egyptian expedition, along with 167

other scientists. He will be in charge of studying the silt of the Nile. He entered diplomacy and became consul in Cyprus. He died in Seîde (now Lebanon) in 1827.

Thank you for your visit and good visits in the Jura!


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Visite guidée

Depuis sa création, l’association propose des visites guidées de Nozeroy et de sa collégiale pour toutes les personnes intéressées par le patrimoine : individuels, familles et groupes, adultes et scolaires.
ll est aussi possible de visiter l’église de Mièges et la chapelle de l’Ermitage accompagné d’un guide.

Nozeroy : 

Juillet/ Août : tous les vendredis des vacances à 10h. Départ sur la place Jean l’Antique, devant la tour de l’horloge.

Septembre : Visites gratuites pour les Journées du Patrimoine.

Le reste de l’année : Sur demande et réservation à partir de quatre personnes auprès de Michèle Vacelet (tel 06 75 92 11 36) ou de l’Office du Tourisme (15 place des Annonciades, Nozeroy, tel. 03 84 51 19 15).

L’Office de Tourisme de Nozeroy vous accueille
Du lundi au samedi : 10h à 12h30 et 14h30 à 18h
Dimanche et jours fériés : 10h à 12h30

Adresse :
15 place des Annonciades
Tel.: +33 (0)
Email :