Step 3

Faith at the city gate :
the Cordeliers convent
and the Ursuline convent

At the northern entrance to the city were two of the three convents of Nozeroy. The oldest is the convent of the Reverend Fathers of the Observance of St. Francis, Cordeliers or Franciscans. It was created in 1461 by Louis de Chalon-Arlay, Prince of Orange, on return from war expeditions in the south of France and as a form of repentance, it is said, for having destroyed religious property there. It included a prior and 6 religious from Dole. The roof was rebuild and lost the large spire described by Gilbert Cousin. We can still see the traces of an oculus (diminished when the roof was lowered) and of a destroyed cross, it is said, during the Revolution. The church was at the back towards the current town hall. The front door was rebuild in 1679, a statue of a franciscan rests on a console that has the peculiarity of a face looking from two sides. These religious were teachers and apothecaries The convent was sold as national property during the Revolution. The exceptional Cordeliers triptych by Jean Poyer can be seen in the church of Censeau a few kilometers away.

Visite de Nozeroy
Visite de Nozeroy

Opposite was he Ursuline convent, built in the 17th century by nuns from Poligny to teach young girls of lesser social status. It could also shelter people locked up here under letters of seal! Nuns could lend money in the form of annuities. Destroyed by fire in 1778, the convent has not been rebuilt.

Visite de Nozeroy

Explanations: Gilbert Cousin: see stop N ° 5

                    Jean Poyer or Poyet: painter and illuminator of the city of Tours at the end of the 15th century influenced by Jean Fouquet, he worked for the court of France and in particular for Anne de Bretagne.

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Visite guidée

Depuis sa création, l’association propose des visites guidées de Nozeroy et de sa collégiale pour toutes les personnes intéressées par le patrimoine : individuels, familles et groupes, adultes et scolaires.
ll est aussi possible de visiter l’église de Mièges et la chapelle de l’Ermitage accompagné d’un guide.

Nozeroy : 

Juillet/ Août : tous les vendredis des vacances à 10h. Départ sur la place Jean l’Antique, devant la tour de l’horloge.

Septembre : Visites gratuites pour les Journées du Patrimoine.

Le reste de l’année : Sur demande et réservation à partir de quatre personnes auprès de Michèle Vacelet (tel 06 75 92 11 36) ou de l’Office du Tourisme (15 place des Annonciades, Nozeroy, tel. 03 84 51 19 15).

L’Office de Tourisme de Nozeroy vous accueille
Du lundi au samedi : 10h à 12h30 et 14h30 à 18h
Dimanche et jours fériés : 10h à 12h30

Adresse :
15 place des Annonciades
Tel.: +33 (0)
Email :