Step 4
The houses
The town, built in the middle of the 13th century, presents a regular plan of « new town » with three streets along the hill and perpendicular alleys; the suburb is to the north of the city. The facades of the houses towards the clock tower are simple as if they were inhabited by people of inferior rank and wealth, far from the feudal center of the castle, moreover they suffered from the fire of 1815, the facades were covered with a protective plaster. The closer you get to the castle, better decorated facades may be seen.
In the center, the houses are narrow and long due to an annual lordship tax, called cens rapinalis, of 6 deniers per fathead (about two meters). They are four times longer than wide, going from the main street to the rue St-Antoine, so there are two main buildings connected by a long corridor lit by a transom and a gallery with an interior courtyard. The main entrance opens onto the main street, the farm outbuildings are on the opposite side. The most elaborate entrance door is that of No. 32 with double upright, prismatic base, brace, plant motifs, a little man’s face.
Huge cellars are under the houses and some communicate with each other.
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Visite guidée
Depuis sa création, l’association propose des visites guidées de Nozeroy et de sa collégiale pour toutes les personnes intéressées par le patrimoine : individuels, familles et groupes, adultes et scolaires.
ll est aussi possible de visiter l’église de Mièges et la chapelle de l’Ermitage accompagné d’un guide.
Nozeroy :
Juillet/ Août : tous les vendredis des vacances à 10h. Départ sur la place Jean l’Antique, devant la tour de l’horloge.
Septembre : Visites gratuites pour les Journées du Patrimoine.
Le reste de l’année : Sur demande et réservation à partir de quatre personnes auprès de Michèle Vacelet (tel 06 75 92 11 36) ou de l’Office du Tourisme (15 place des Annonciades, Nozeroy, tel. 03 84 51 19 15).
L’Office de Tourisme de Nozeroy vous accueille
Du lundi au samedi : 10h à 12h30 et 14h30 à 18h
Dimanche et jours fériés : 10h à 12h30
Adresse :
15 place des Annonciades
Tel.: +33 (0)
Email :